attila's lost capital?

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Post by stan »

there are dozens of big objects [1000feet] in that strip of map and since they aren't in a town, they aren't listed.

for instance

It sounds as though the Romanians haven't discovered the benefits of
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Post by eratoh »

yup, its odd. romanian is a profession, not a nationality.
Frank Harrist

Post by Frank Harrist »

Someone's taking pictures of the site specifically. Was it you who took the pics, Eratoh?
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Post by eratoh »

thats google earth. you can fly around it like youre a kite! can make you sick too.

Post by Guest »

eratoh wrote:thats google earth. you can fly around it like youre a kite! can make you sick too.
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Post by eratoh »

here is the compiled report of investigations at cornesti 1979-1993 [poor translation below]

Cornesti (comuna Ortisoara, judetul Timis)

1. Vestigii preistorice.

a) Într-o cariera de nisip de la marginea satului s-au descoperit „oase de mamut”. Astfel de fosile s-au descoperit si mai târziu de secolul XIX.

b) Punctul Jadani-Jugosloveni.

Statiunea neolitica din acest punct se afla la marginea vestica a localitatii, de o parte si de alta a drumului unde s-au asezat refugiatii veniti din Iugoslavia în perioada interbelica. Situl a fost locuit în vremea culturii Bucovat, Vinca C si Tiszapolgár.

Tot aici se semnaleaza si materiale ceramice Cotofeni.

c) Punctul Ferma Reiter.

Materialele arheologice de aici apartin culturii Vinca, faza C.

d) Punctul Pusta sau Râtu cu Peri.

Aici s-a semnalat ceramica apartinând culturii Vatina.

e) Se mentioneaza descoperirea, în hotarul satului (Jadani), a unui depozit format din opt bratari de aur dintre care sase din placa si doua din sârma rasucita, datat în seria Cincu-Suseni (Br D-Ha A1).

f) Punctul Valea Lacului.

La vest de acest punct si de Dealul Cornet s-au descoperit, la aratura, fragmente ceramice.

g) La Jadani s-a descoperit un depozit de bronzuri din seria Cincu-Suseni (Ha A1).

2. Situri arheologice cu stratigrafie complexa.

a) Punctul Dealul Cornet.

În acest punct se afla o mare asezare fortificata, numita de localnici si Iarc, de foarte mari dimensiuni cu mai multe niveluri de folosire în epoca bronzului si cea a fierului. Fortificatia are mai multe valuri (trei incinte concentrice, dupa unii autori patru) intersectate de valea Pistrui (Pistruia), spre sud, care la est de sat îsi schimba numele în Valea Luciului, Lacului sau Vâna Nerat. Spre nord, fortificatia este marginita de Valea Caraniului. Suprafata III si cea mai mare are 578 ha.

Între alte materiale arheologice s-a descoperit si o dalta de cupru, dar si materiale ceramice reprezentând epoca de trecere de la cultura Tiszapolgár la Bodrogkeresztúr.

Materialele arheologice de epoca bronzului de aici se încadreaza în partea timpurie si mijlocie a perioadei.

Tot aici s-au descoperit materiale ceramice care pot duce datarea fortificatiei pâna la sfârsitul epocii bronzului si, poate, chiar în perioada hallstattiana.

Dintr-o descoperire întâmplatoare provine un topor de fier care poate fi încadrat în Hallstatt.

În incinta s-au descoperit si fragmente ceramice dacice.

Unii cercetatori considera fortificatia un ring avar.

Ortansa Radu aminteste aici si ceramica medievala târzie.

3. Vestigii dacice.

a) În hotarul localitatii sunt amintite fragmente ceramice dacice.

4. Vestigii daco-romane.

a) La N de localitate, în imediata apropiere a fortificatiei preistorice (Iarcurilor) se afla o asezare de secolele IV-V d.Chr.

5. Movile de pamânt.

a) Pe traseul exterior al fortificatiei de pamânt din punctul Dealul Cornet este semnalata o movila de pamânt, plasata la 1,1 km nord de sat, cu dimensiunile de 15 m diametru si 1,5-2 m înaltime. Este posibil sa fie construita dupa terminarea ridicarii incintei deoarece se afla pe coama acesteia.

6. Descoperiri monetare.

a) La sfârsitul secolului XIX s-a descoperit trei denari, dintre care doi imperiali si unul republican.

b) Cam tot în acelasi timp s-au descoperit doua monede de secolul XVII care pot face parte dintr-un tezaur.

c) Catre sfârsitul secolului XX s-a descoperit la Cornesti un tezaur monetar format din taleri austrieci de argint.

Cornesti( the commune Ortisoara, judetul Timis)
1. prehistoric vestiges.
Într-o career from the brim of shadowless village of the bones of mammothes. Thus of shadowless still more late fossils of the century XIX.
B) Punctul Jadani-jugosloveni.
Statiunea neolitica from this point found out to the brim vestica locality, aside and of alta the road seated waves the refugees come from The Jugoslavia in the period interbelica. Were indwelled the weather of the culture Bucovat, Vinca C and Tiszapolgár.
All here semnaleaza and material ceramice Cotofeni.
C) Punctul Ferma Reiter.
The archaeological here materials belong to the culture Vinca, the phase C.
D) Punctul Pusta or Râtu with Peri..
Here he pointed out the pottery belonging to the culture Vatina.
E) mentioneaza bare, in the boundary of the village( of a Jadani warehouse the format from eight golden armlets among six which from the plate and doua from the wire rasucita, gived seriatim Cincu-suseni( Br D-ha A1).
charm) Punctul Valea Lacului.
West of this point and of Dealul Cornet they bared, to aratura, fragments ceramice.
G) La Jadani he bared an warehouses of brass from the series Cincu-suseni( Ha A1).

2. situri archaeological with stratigraphy complexa.
Punctul Dealul Cornet.
In this point found out a big placement fortificata, named by natives Iarc, of very big size with many layers of use in the age of the bronze and iron. Fortificatia has many walls ( three concentric enclosures, some authors say four) intersecting Pistrui( Pistruia) Valley, meridionally, I carry on the east of village îsi change the name in Valley Luciului, Lacului or Vâna Nerat. Northwards, fortificatia is bordered by Caraniului Valley. The surface III and eldest has 578hectares. [so he didn't measure the 4 walls just 3]

Between another material archaeological shadowless the si a chisel cupriferous, but and material ceramice presenting the age from the culture Tiszapolgár to Bodrogkeresztúr.
The archaeological materials of the age of here brass încadreaza in the early part the middling si of the period.
All here they bared material Ceramice carry can bear the dating fortificatiei feather to sfârsitul of the age of the bronze and, he can, just in the period hallstattiana.
Dintr bare întâmplatoare vine a ferric which axe can be framed in Hallstatt.
In incinta they bared and fragments ceramice dacice.
Some cercetatori consider fortificatia a rings a misers.
Ortansa Radu aminteste here and the pottery medievala late.

3. Vestiges Dacice.
În the boundary locality are nameable fragments ceramice dacice.
4. Vestiges Daco.
La of locality, in imediata approach fortificatiei prehistoric( Iarcurilor) found out a placement of the centuries IV d. Chr.
5. Knolls Of earthes.
Pe the exterior route of fortificatiei of earth from the point Dealul Cornet He is semnalata a knoll of earth, plasata to 1, km north of village, with the sizes of 15 m diameter and 1, 5-2 m height. Is likely to is builded after the completion lift incintei because found out on this ridge.
6. Bare monetary.
La sfârsitul the century XIX he bared three nãri, among two which imperial the si one republican.
B) Cam all in the same time they bared doua monede of the century XVII wagons can do the part dintr the treasure.
C) Catre sfârsitul the century XX he bared to Cornesti a monetary treasure format from Austrian argentic dishes.


pre-dacian? [even though clearly overlaying roman wall] and 3 or 4 walls? [578ha or actually 2000ha]

i don't know if this is an answer?
Rokcet Scientist

Post by Rokcet Scientist »

The translation still requires some work.
The Romanian ain't so hot either.
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Post by eratoh »

Rokcet Scientist wrote:The translation still requires some work.
The Romanian ain't so hot either.
just used software. i have to print it out and travel some distance to get human eyes on it but i will.
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Post by stan »

eratoh, does this new information confirm your belief that may have
been Atilla's city?
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Re: atilla

Post by eratoh »

stan wrote:eratoh, does this new information confirm your belief that may have
been Atilla's city?
it seems [to me anyway] that someone knows what they have there and are keeping it quiet. if it was bronze age, iron age, predacia or daco roman and that large, i believe it would be the largest example of a few types of things in the world wouldn't it? they'd be on it like ants on honey wouldn't they?
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Post by eratoh »

it is as big as the walled city of Rome or Constantinople right?
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Post by eratoh »

i neglected to notice the part there about the Avar capital Ring... which coincidently was one in the same as Attilas capital according to the Djagfar Tarihi et al
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Post by eratoh »

ok i have another problem... the Dealul Cornet seems to be in another state near the other cornesti. are their two locals setup the same?.. are there 3 because in bekes replaced in temes
Rokcet Scientist

Post by Rokcet Scientist »

If you say so.
:lol: :lol: :lol: