Mississippi Embayment/Bolide Astrobleme

The Western Hemisphere. General term for the Americas following their discovery by Europeans, thus setting them in contradistinction to the Old World of Africa, Europe, and Asia.

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Re: Mississippi Embayment/Bolide Astrobleme

Post by Nacon »

E.P. Grondine
I think the 14C spike is due to neutrons released in impact

If you can supply me with raw dates, deviation, and delta 13C, can run them through CALIB and Ox-Cal (if you do not have access to such). Can then compare them to any marked peak changes in the calibration curve.

E.P. Grondine

Re: Mississippi Embayment/Bolide Astrobleme

Post by E.P. Grondine »

Hi Ernie -

I guess there were not enough stowaways, cat rarity may explain the fascination. Mayeb from SE Asia to South America.
:D :D :D Of course, we can safely throw out jaguars, as we know they hada to have been alien cats.

In Columbian times, Europeans bring rats, and they only bring the cats, when they settle. Oh well.

http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/lookout/lau ... 53440.html
E.P. Grondine

Re: Mississippi Embayment/Bolide Astrobleme

Post by E.P. Grondine »

Nacon wrote:
E.P. Grondine
I think the 14C spike is due to neutrons released in impact

If you can supply me with raw dates, deviation, and delta 13C, can run them through CALIB and Ox-Cal (if you do not have access to such). Can then compare them to any marked peak changes in the calibration curve.

Hi nacom -

The calibration charts themselves are the data. The problem is finding the associated craters.
That said, you will notice the huge spike aboput 44,000 BCE, at the time of the formation of Barringer Crater.
There are several candidate structures for impacts of the Holocene Start Impact Event.

Re: Mississippi Embayment/Bolide Astrobleme

Post by Kalopin »

Nacon wrote:

I have studied all the documentation concerning current beliefs. What you and they do not understand [for some reason] is that the land throughout the valley was tossed and flipped revealing older sedimentary layers. So, of course you will find much older sediments on the surface as it was exhumed from an impact. Is this too difficult to comprehend?

William Clark did not make any account of the details of these events, because he was not involved. He already had too much to deal with. His lack of interest has no bearing on these events. he explored the northwest, not the southeast

I doubt, no, I know that you will not be able to find anything to lessen the possibility of a meteor impact. The question is; Can you find ANYTHING to support that it was just tectonic activity and had nothing to do with all the unusual occurrances?
And the answer is-NO, you can not!

You have been "backed against a wall" and are attempting to distort facts that are obviously 'in your face'.
All the documentation you need and that is currently available [because you all are too 'chicken' to do any actual data collection] is right at this website:
http://koolkreations.wix.com/kalopins-legacy ,"Kalopins Legacy","wix","documents and links","A Few Comments on 1811". Please read and try to understand in its entirety!

P.S. As I am sure you are aware, your link to The Bureau of Indian Affairs provided NO information concerning these events. Nothing at all from 1811-1812, thanks!

1) Your first bolded statement would not be consistent with the documented stratigraphy of the Embayment as already presented in numerous references. Were an impact to have been involved, the temporally consistent bedding would no longer be intact.

2) Your concepts in regards to Clark's post - Corps of Discovery years would appear to be more than lacking. Please do study his life after the Corp's return.

3) All qualified and documented research, be it public or private, supports tectonic activity as the causation of the New Madrid events of 1811-1812. You must understand where the burden of proof lies here. Should you wish to contradict current understandings, it is your responsibility to generate and submit a thorough and well documented paper that supports your contentions. To date, it would not appear that you have adequate data to even begin to attempt such an undertaking.

4) Have had the dubious distinction of subjecting myself to your website on two occasions. Lack of substance duly noted.

5) From the BIA reference document listings:

75.5.1 Records of the Office of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs
75.5.2 Records of the Offices of the Chief Clerk and the Assistant Commissioner of Indian Affairs
75.5.3 Records of Assistants to the Commissioner
75.5.4 Records of the Finance Officer and Chief Administrative Officer
75.7.1 General records
75.7.2 Surveying and allotting records
75.7.3 Records relating to land sales and leases
75.7.4 Records relating to claims
75.7.5 Enrollment records
75.7.6 Other records
(Emphasis added)

The above does not include the many dozens of agency records.

In regards to the Flores, MS "Petrified Forest": Not a great deal of technical information on this one. However, the official site for this attraction notes that it has been known of since the mid-19th century. Thus, there would not have been adequate time for fossilization under your unevidenced scenario.
As you and many may understand the average impact- this was NOT an average impact! It was a frozen river valley impacted by a frozen, melting, boiling, steaming, vitrifying projectile. Many massive slabs of land were pushed upward in thick sheets because the surface temperatures had frozen holding sediments together, revealing aged sedimentary layering. A deep fault or thousands of years of erosion could not create any of this!

Lewis died in 1809. Clark was in Washington until 1813, two years after the qukaes, when he accepted the position of Superintendent of Indian Affairs. How could he have known anything about what really occurred? They just mention that the quakes happened and NO information. If you can find anything to relate Clark to the New Madrid quakes, please quote and cite! :roll:

"A Few Comments on 1811" tells most of the story and is accurate. What you have been taught and so eagerly learned is missing the most important piece. I have submitted all the evidence available that is more than enough to warrant finding the complex geoogical data to provide verification. My 'burden' has been accomplished. It is now the 'burden' of the professionals to give proof either way, and this can not be done without core samples, LiDAR, spectrometers, microscopes, dendrology,... Do you understand this? :roll:

What other 'substance' do you need me to add? The impactites were found in the middle, at the surface of a central, concave, semi-circular depression, which every hill in the valley emanates out from in a shockwave pattern. Every report, newspaper article and original account describes an impact, not an earthquake! William Herschel's observations agree entirely. The comet was seen as fifty percent larger than the Sun! Is this going over the top? :roll:

Again- stating dates is NOT information! SHOW ME some evidence to the contrary. I do not understand why you continue to postulate your position of passed on ignorance with no rebuttal, and then say it is my burden. I have done the study. I have put in the work and I have GIVEN you the facts and the truths, as you insist on 'swimming' in denial. Just let me assist you to the 'shore' of reality! :lol:

The petrification process theory is incomplete! As petrification can occur in long time periods, it [obviously] can occur in an instant. Can you not picture a massive bolide of mainly ice and sand, breaking apart sending molten sand, steam, minerals, sulphur,...straight into a forest of tall, frozen trees? Maybe someone should try an experiment? and, did you see how they dated these structures? That will NOT give you the time of occurrance! You see, this is just anoter reason to so easily dismiss truths and facts, for more passed on ignorance! Is it my burden to prove each and every process wrong with such limited resources, or would it make more sense for the scientific community to become INVOLVED and straighten all this up. The embarrassment of the few outweighs understanding our past and will force a repeat of another uncontrolled catastrophe to, once again, distort and destroy even more history?!. If this finds the proper investigation that it deserves, then this cycle may be broken! This is up to you! 8)

Studying the Chelyabinsk event gives a micro-example of what occurred here in 1811. Although there are many differences concerning the projectile, as a meteoroid does not contain the amount of ice, minerals, spin ice-plasma,... that a cometrary fragment has, it has some similar effects. As the meteor came in spinning, it produced directional shockwaves, sending out a reverse pressure wave toward the target, initially causing anti-gravity, making all the heavy and metal objects to lose their weight. Then, as the meteor contacted more oxygen at the edge of the Troposphere, it exploded, sending the positive side of the pressure wave to the ground to cause such destruction. I have no doubt that the impact and destruction zone have the same similar shockwave pattern, although on a much smaller scale, as The Mississippi Embayment.
The Chelyabinsk meteor also lowered global temperatures slightly to give us this cooler weather. This was also on a much smaller scale. Just imagine what a serial impact of Chelyabinsk sized meteors would do [little ice age?]! :wink:
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Re: Mississippi Embayment/Bolide Astrobleme

Post by Nacon »

Kalopin wrote:
Nacon wrote:

I have studied all the documentation concerning current beliefs. What you and they do not understand [for some reason] is that the land throughout the valley was tossed and flipped revealing older sedimentary layers. So, of course you will find much older sediments on the surface as it was exhumed from an impact. Is this too difficult to comprehend?

William Clark did not make any account of the details of these events, because he was not involved. He already had too much to deal with. His lack of interest has no bearing on these events. he explored the northwest, not the southeast

I doubt, no, I know that you will not be able to find anything to lessen the possibility of a meteor impact. The question is; Can you find ANYTHING to support that it was just tectonic activity and had nothing to do with all the unusual occurrances?
And the answer is-NO, you can not!

You have been "backed against a wall" and are attempting to distort facts that are obviously 'in your face'.
All the documentation you need and that is currently available [because you all are too 'chicken' to do any actual data collection] is right at this website:
http://koolkreations.wix.com/kalopins-legacy ,"Kalopins Legacy","wix","documents and links","A Few Comments on 1811". Please read and try to understand in its entirety!

P.S. As I am sure you are aware, your link to The Bureau of Indian Affairs provided NO information concerning these events. Nothing at all from 1811-1812, thanks!

1) Your first bolded statement would not be consistent with the documented stratigraphy of the Embayment as already presented in numerous references. Were an impact to have been involved, the temporally consistent bedding would no longer be intact.

2) Your concepts in regards to Clark's post - Corps of Discovery years would appear to be more than lacking. Please do study his life after the Corp's return.

3) All qualified and documented research, be it public or private, supports tectonic activity as the causation of the New Madrid events of 1811-1812. You must understand where the burden of proof lies here. Should you wish to contradict current understandings, it is your responsibility to generate and submit a thorough and well documented paper that supports your contentions. To date, it would not appear that you have adequate data to even begin to attempt such an undertaking.

4) Have had the dubious distinction of subjecting myself to your website on two occasions. Lack of substance duly noted.

5) From the BIA reference document listings:

75.5.1 Records of the Office of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs
75.5.2 Records of the Offices of the Chief Clerk and the Assistant Commissioner of Indian Affairs
75.5.3 Records of Assistants to the Commissioner
75.5.4 Records of the Finance Officer and Chief Administrative Officer
75.7.1 General records
75.7.2 Surveying and allotting records
75.7.3 Records relating to land sales and leases
75.7.4 Records relating to claims
75.7.5 Enrollment records
75.7.6 Other records
(Emphasis added)

The above does not include the many dozens of agency records.

In regards to the Flores, MS "Petrified Forest": Not a great deal of technical information on this one. However, the official site for this attraction notes that it has been known of since the mid-19th century. Thus, there would not have been adequate time for fossilization under your unevidenced scenario.
As you and many may understand the average impact- this was NOT an average impact! It was a frozen river valley impacted by a frozen, melting, boiling, steaming, vitrifying projectile. Many massive slabs of land were pushed upward in thick sheets because the surface temperatures had frozen holding sediments together, revealing aged sedimentary layering. A deep fault or thousands of years of erosion could not create any of this!

Lewis died in 1809. Clark was in Washington until 1813, two years after the qukaes, when he accepted the position of Superintendent of Indian Affairs. How could he have known anything about what really occurred? They just mention that the quakes happened and NO information. If you can find anything to relate Clark to the New Madrid quakes, please quote and cite! :roll:

"A Few Comments on 1811" tells most of the story and is accurate. What you have been taught and so eagerly learned is missing the most important piece. I have submitted all the evidence available that is more than enough to warrant finding the complex geoogical data to provide verification. My 'burden' has been accomplished. It is now the 'burden' of the professionals to give proof either way, and this can not be done without core samples, LiDAR, spectrometers, microscopes, dendrology,... Do you understand this? :roll:

What other 'substance' do you need me to add? The impactites were found in the middle, at the surface of a central, concave, semi-circular depression, which every hill in the valley emanates out from in a shockwave pattern. Every report, newspaper article and original account describes an impact, not an earthquake! William Herschel's observations agree entirely. The comet was seen as fifty percent larger than the Sun! Is this going over the top? :roll:

Again- stating dates is NOT information! SHOW ME some evidence to the contrary. I do not understand why you continue to postulate your position of passed on ignorance with no rebuttal, and then say it is my burden. I have done the study. I have put in the work and I have GIVEN you the facts and the truths, as you insist on 'swimming' in denial. Just let me assist you to the 'shore' of reality! :lol:

The petrification process theory is incomplete! As petrification can occur in long time periods, it [obviously] can occur in an instant. Can you not picture a massive bolide of mainly ice and sand, breaking apart sending molten sand, steam, minerals, sulphur,...straight into a forest of tall, frozen trees? Maybe someone should try an experiment? and, did you see how they dated these structures? That will NOT give you the time of occurrance! You see, this is just anoter reason to so easily dismiss truths and facts, for more passed on ignorance! Is it my burden to prove each and every process wrong with such limited resources, or would it make more sense for the scientific community to become INVOLVED and straighten all this up. The embarrassment of the few outweighs understanding our past and will force a repeat of another uncontrolled catastrophe to, once again, distort and destroy even more history?!. If this finds the proper investigation that it deserves, then this cycle may be broken! This is up to you! 8)

Studying the Chelyabinsk event gives a micro-example of what occurred here in 1811. Although there are many differences concerning the projectile, as a meteoroid does not contain the amount of ice, minerals, spin ice-plasma,... that a cometrary fragment has, it has some similar effects. As the meteor came in spinning, it produced directional shockwaves, sending out a reverse pressure wave toward the target, initially causing anti-gravity, making all the heavy and metal objects to lose their weight. Then, as the meteor contacted more oxygen at the edge of the Troposphere, it exploded, sending the positive side of the pressure wave to the ground to cause such destruction. I have no doubt that the impact and destruction zone have the same similar shockwave pattern, although on a much smaller scale, as The Mississippi Embayment.
The Chelyabinsk meteor also lowered global temperatures slightly to give us this cooler weather. This was also on a much smaller scale. Just imagine what a serial impact of Chelyabinsk sized meteors would do [little ice age?]! :wink:

http://www.mnn.com/lifestyle/arts-cultu ... -education


E.P. Grondine

Re: Mississippi Embayment/Bolide Astrobleme

Post by E.P. Grondine »

Hi nacom -

Its hard for me to imagine facing a roomful of kalopins sitting at their desks.
I guess you hve to think of it as an opportunity, and of Mississippi as a land of opportunity.

Oh well. There's always Crispy Crunghy Chicken, and intelligent and interesting conversation if you know where to look.
Along with unexploited geological and archaeological resources.

Re: Mississippi Embayment/Bolide Astrobleme

Post by Kalopin »

How could Mississippi get a good grade in science, when so many idiots are teaching nonsense that is not even viable? The geology of the entire state has been falsified!

Yes, this impact produced massive amounts of quantum electrodynamics-as I have shown you the proof- "quod erat demonstrandum"-So, time to study up fellows, as I am correct and you all are wrong-SO:

Q.E.D. to you! [D.A.M.F.!] :lol:

Re: Mississippi Embayment/Bolide Astrobleme

Post by Kalopin »

E.P. Grondine wrote:Hi nacom -

Its hard for me to imagine facing a roomful of kalopins sitting at their desks.
I guess you hve to think of it as an opportunity, and of Mississippi as a land of opportunity.

Oh well. There's always Crispy Crunghy Chicken, and intelligent and interesting conversation if you know where to look.
Along with unexploited geological and archaeological resources.
As the first question I would ask-You would NOT know the answer! :lol:

silybut-thanks for your help! :wink: :D
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Re: Mississippi Embayment/Bolide Astrobleme

Post by Nacon »

E.P. Grondine
Hi nacom -

The calibration charts themselves are the data. The problem is finding the associated craters.
That said, you will notice the huge spike aboput 44,000 BCE, at the time of the formation of Barringer Crater.
There are several candidate structures for impacts of the Holocene Start Impact Event.

Hi E.P.
Being unsure of your data base(s), it is rather difficult to comment. If you could provide the various raw data sources, may be able to assist with the interpretation of such. The current calibration curves circa 44 kya are not terrible steep or wide spread.

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Re: Mississippi Embayment/Bolide Astrobleme

Post by Nacon »

E.P. Grondine wrote:Hi nacom -

Its hard for me to imagine facing a roomful of kalopins sitting at their desks.
I guess you hve to think of it as an opportunity, and of Mississippi as a land of opportunity.

Oh well. There's always Crispy Crunghy Chicken, and intelligent and interesting conversation if you know where to look.
Along with unexploited geological and archaeological resources.
Chuckle! Though in a rather perverse manner. Will attempt such further education as time allows.

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Re: Mississippi Embayment/Bolide Astrobleme

Post by Nacon »

Kalopin wrote:
How could Mississippi get a good grade in science, when so many idiots are teaching nonsense that is not even viable? The geology of the entire state has been falsified!

Yes, this impact produced massive amounts of quantum electrodynamics-as I have shown you the proof- "quod erat demonstrandum"-So, time to study up fellows, as I am correct and you all are wrong-SO:

Q.E.D. to you! [D.A.M.F.!] :lol:
And "we" are to presume that you can provide credible documentation to support this assertion?

Will address your most recent historical and geological personal embarrassments as time allows. Until such time, you may wish to (again) thoroughly study the previously supplied references.

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Re: Mississippi Embayment/Bolide Astrobleme

Post by Minimalist »

Until such time, you may wish to (again) thoroughly study the previously supplied references.
I'm going to guess "No" on that one.
Something is wrong here. War, disease, death, destruction, hunger, filth, poverty, torture, crime, corruption, and the Ice Capades. Something is definitely wrong. This is not good work. If this is the best God can do, I am not impressed.

-- George Carlin

Re: Mississippi Embayment/Bolide Astrobleme

Post by Kalopin »

Nacon wrote:
Kalopin wrote:
How could Mississippi get a good grade in science, when so many idiots are teaching nonsense that is not even viable? The geology of the entire state has been falsified!

Yes, this impact produced massive amounts of quantum electrodynamics-as I have shown you the proof- "quod erat demonstrandum"-So, time to study up fellows, as I am correct and you all are wrong-SO:

Q.E.D. to you! [D.A.M.F.!] :lol:
And "we" are to presume that you can provide credible documentation to support this assertion?

Will address your most recent historical and geological personal embarrassments as time allows. Until such time, you may wish to (again) thoroughly study the previously supplied references.

Study up on stratigraphy and see, all the 'credible documentation to support' is readily viewable on any satellite! :roll:

Listen- you get this site analyzed and if I am wrong, I will apologize to you. If I am correct, what will you say? :? Until you can find one little 'shred' of something to argue against an impact scenario, you have no 'platform' to stand on! So 'address' on! You will only embarrass yourself! :lol:

Re: Mississippi Embayment/Bolide Astrobleme

Post by Kalopin »

Minimalist wrote:
Until such time, you may wish to (again) thoroughly study the previously supplied references.
I'm going to guess "No" on that one.
I have done the study, it's time for you to do the same. If YOU 'thoroughly' study the facts, you will find most everyone blamed the comet, it was timed exactly, the rocks are in fact impactites, and the satellite view shows the obvious signs of a surface shockwave.
Before the next comment find just one item you believe may negate an impact scenario, and I will show you how an impact answers every question to every unusual occurrance concerning these events. :roll:
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Re: Mississippi Embayment/Bolide Astrobleme

Post by Minimalist »

The results are not obvious.

In fact, you sort of remind me of this cartoon.


I see the same sort of deliberate disregard for reality among 9-11 Truthers and Birthers. That is not a compliment.
Something is wrong here. War, disease, death, destruction, hunger, filth, poverty, torture, crime, corruption, and the Ice Capades. Something is definitely wrong. This is not good work. If this is the best God can do, I am not impressed.

-- George Carlin
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