Ontario Lake - Mysterious Structure

The Western Hemisphere. General term for the Americas following their discovery by Europeans, thus setting them in contradistinction to the Old World of Africa, Europe, and Asia.

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Sam Salmon
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Re: From Ontario...sort of

Post by Sam Salmon »

CShark wrote:
Sam Salmon wrote:I grew up in Ontario and was surrounded by evidence of the power of glaciation-I don't believe a word. :roll:

Odd shaped rock structures that look man made are a dime a dozen in the bush.
Off-topic, I know, but where in Ont ? I spent 23 yrs in Ottawa before moving to PEI.
North of North Bay.

EDIT-As to the power of glaciation it took a number of plane rides and being away for a while for me to see the big picture.

Glaciers were and in a way still are the story in the Canadian Shield. :shock:
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Post by gunny »

St. Brendan did it.
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Post by kbs2244 »

Sam, Beagle:
I would make the opposite argument.
Their being common would indicate a human presence with a reason to build them, rather than an accident of nature.
They go into the US North East and are pretty similar to the ones in Britain and France, which seem to be accepted as human built.
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Post by Minimalist »

While driving to San Diego from Phoenix along Route 8, I noted some amazing rock formations in the mountains between California and Arizona.

The glaciers did not get that far south.

Beats the hell out of me.
Something is wrong here. War, disease, death, destruction, hunger, filth, poverty, torture, crime, corruption, and the Ice Capades. Something is definitely wrong. This is not good work. If this is the best God can do, I am not impressed.

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Post by Digit »

As was pointed out earlier, unless you use mortice and tenons, as at Stonehenge, or in some manner flatten the mating faces, shim stones would be very likely be needed to stop cap stones, and similar from rocking.
Their absence would not disprove man's involvement, their presence would prove it!
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Re: Ontario Lake - Mysterious Structure

Post by goposem793 »

It's fascinating to read about the mysterious structure in Ontario Lake.
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Re: Ontario Lake - Mysterious Structure

Post by Minimalist »

Actually, 16 years after the last post it is not all that "fascinating."

Thread locked.
Something is wrong here. War, disease, death, destruction, hunger, filth, poverty, torture, crime, corruption, and the Ice Capades. Something is definitely wrong. This is not good work. If this is the best God can do, I am not impressed.

-- George Carlin