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Re: Gobekli tepi, Comet Impact, and the Younger Dryas

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 1:22 pm
by E.P. Grondine
Hello tiompan -

From earlier in our discussion:


For comparative purposes:



NOTE C especially:


C looks to me to be two sighting stone circles, with a comet shown nearby.

The ant(?) at the bottom may be raising a stone.
This is the first time I have seen an ant(?) symbol in this area.

The obverse of C may represent a meteor storm, the Draconids.

It appears there is disagreement on which ends are up:

good morning. Tiompan.

While you yourself may have an intense interest in PPN-B. we (Fletcher and myself) don't.
I thank you for your earlier help with guidance to links to PPN-B materials.
I responded to your points 1-6 earlier, and you can read those responses earlier in this thread.
Typing is quite difficult now. but please do not mistake my abruptness for rudeness.
Also please do not mistake your ability to out-type me for any concession of points in analysis.

As far as Andrew Collins' analysis goes
Fletcher tells me that Cygnus was the Thunderbird constellation for many Native American peoples.
Bill Romain stresses the importance of Cygnus in his works on Ohio Hopewell archeo-astronomy

I have serious doubts about these identifications
and suspect that different asterisms were involved
My own role in this work here is limited to identifying successor peoples
and then finding reliable written recordings of traditions from these successor peoples for analysis.

As far as the absolute timing of the remains at Gobekli Tepe
The platinum group spike should show up in cores taken at the site
and if those cores also contain carbon 14 materials
they could provide a nice key for absolute carbon 14 calibration curve for remains found at the site proper.

Fletcher and I agree that far more excavation work needs to be done at Gobekli Tepe in the quarry area.
hell as even I could not fuck up a couple of squares there it should provide a great student training area.

You already have Fletcher and my own terms for work on further detailed site archaeo-astronomcal analysis.

As far as sites in Turkey go, I am far more interested in Lycia,
and the question as to whether poems recited at the ancient Sarpadoneia games
were the source for the later oral cycles about the Trojan War.

Re: Gobekli tepi, Comet Impact, and the Younger Dryas

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 1:48 pm
by Tiompan
It gets worse .
You were told years ago “At the time of build of GT it rose in the east and set in the west covering about 150 degrees between the two extremes , at no time was it in the north , the direction that Collins has for the alignment . When it was in the south the latitude was approx 48 degrees .” It was also explained to you “The putative alignment is to the North according to Collins i.e. in the direction of the Draconids , where you get it demonstrably wrong is that you thought that the Comet was observed in the North ,probably because it spawned the meteors but the comet is observed in the south not the north . This fundamental error is exacerbated by the belief that there are astronomical alignments at GT and or KT and their indication is to north , two highly contentious points .Even if there were alignments and they pointed towards north ,meteor showers are not the stuff that they are likely to be aligned towards . There are no examples of any prehistoric alignments towards meteors or comets ,for pretty obvious reasons . ”

Your fantasies about the comet and putative alignments were destroyed years ago as were your fantastical subjective interpretations regarding the plaques , KT and other points that you have twisted into into your agenda .
It was bad to begin with but now failure to face up to the facts or discuss the detail makes it worse than much of the alt crowd nonsense .
Simply repeating the nonsense and not responding to the problems just makes you look sadder .
If you continue to ignore the reality and simply repost the BS , I'll keep on providing the data that highlights the nonsense .

Re: Gobekli tepi, Comet Impact, and the Younger Dryas

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 8:36 am
by E.P. Grondine
Indeed it does get worse.

tiompan, you may think you know something about comets and meteors.
Let me disabuse you of that notion.
When I want an opinion on comets or meteors I can avail myself of the best experts in the field,
and quite easily at that.

A great introduction for rather complete amateurs such as yourself may be found here:

I also remembered that Fletcher uses a first class gaming machine for his work,
and given the flight restrictions now in place that means the expenditure of another $2,000
for any detailed on site analysis.

Re: Gobekli tepi, Comet Impact, and the Younger Dryas

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 8:47 am
by Tiompan
Yes you can't help but pile up the nonsense EP.

A total data free failure yet again , no response to any of the highlighted problems , coupled with a failing to supply any quote where I have made an error ,including content related to comets or meteors.
You are wasting time and space and making yourself look sadder by the post .

Re: Gobekli tepi, Comet Impact, and the Younger Dryas

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 12:04 pm
by MichelleH
I think you two need to agree to disagree and play in different sand boxes on this topic. It is getting beyond dull and repetitive. Let's move on.

Re: Gobekli tepi, Comet Impact, and the Younger Dryas

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 12:13 pm
by Tiompan
There is no doubt that it is dull and repetitive , but only one side is providing refutations .

You can't agree with that which has been clearly refuted .
To continually harp on and fail to provide data is an old tactic that relies on the hope that to "agree to disagree" is the best they can hope for , it doesn't apply here , it is not a matter of opinion but of fact .
The refusal to face up to the facts has been noted by others .

Re: Gobekli tepi, Comet Impact, and the Younger Dryas

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 5:18 pm
by MichelleH
Here is a fact: The two of you stop or the topic will be locked or deleted. Black and white enough?

Re: Gobekli tepi, Comet Impact, and the Younger Dryas

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 11:46 pm
by Tiompan
MichelleH wrote:Here is a fact: The two of you stop or the topic will be locked or deleted. Black and white enough?
Deleting the facts would only suit those who find them embarrassing .
Deleting repeat posts would clean things up and leave the all important detail .