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Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 2:29 pm
by Guest
It states that "Herodotus may have been right" about Amazons, then says "find that hints at a matriarchical society". Was he or wasn't he? According to the Venerable Bede in Ecclesiastical History of the English People, the Picts of Scotland practised matrilineal descent among their royalty; but this is the only near-contemporary mention, and he doesn't state whether they did it all the time, or only when the succession was in doubt. Result? Any 'New Age' half-wit can use the text to prove any half-baked theory.
If they can't make their own minds up, they have no right to expect me to take them seriously. And anyway it dates from 1997; they're bound to have had time to evaluate all their finds and publish a report on something so contentious by now. Any followups?

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 2:57 pm
by Frank Harrist
First off, that ain't my theory. I was just trying to get ya'll to not dismiss Daybrown's theory out of hand. I'm sure there are better more definitive links available, but I'm working so I don't have a lot of time for research or for very long posts. I was just saying that DB's theory may have some merit. She didn't post any links so I posted the few I was able to find. I'm not defending the theory, just her right to post it here and to have her opinion. From here on out she can defend herself though. I'm done with it. :roll:

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 3:18 pm
by Tech
Numerous myths and legends grew up around women or tribes of women in ancient times, who either fought alongside or alone against men. The Greeks and Romans called some of these Amazons. The Scythian word for these women is Oiorpata, meaning "to kill man."....
...The women's occupations during their lifetime run the gamut from housewife, to herder, to priestess, to warrior horsewoman. These are the remains of a society lost to history, where gender roles were not defined according to sex and women more often than not were tribal leaders with power and status....

...Because they are located much further to the east of the north Black Sea region where the ancient Herotodus gathered his information, the female warriors at Pokrovka were most probably not the Amazons that this ancient Greek historian wrote about in the 5th century B.C. He probably had heard of "fighting women" and connected them to the Amazons that the Greeks mythologized. The Amazons have many provenances including North Africa, Anatolia, and Colchis east of the Black Sea. Other women warriors belonged to the Sauromatian and Sarmatian tribes living between the Don and Volga rivers and whose lifestyle was very similar to that of the women at Pokrovka in the southern Urals.... ... riors.html ... eport.html

I have read many similar articles and also a time team episode which give gravity to D/B's hypothesis

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 5:09 pm
by Rokcet Scientist
Hey...! How did matriarchy come into this Holocaust in America topic? Or are we about to be graced with a new revelation about a matriarchal society in America?
I'm taking your bets, guys!

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 7:24 pm
by Leona Conner
I've forgotten what's been said on this site, we've gotten so off track.

Do you think that DB is JM in disguise? :? Just taken on a new topic.


Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2006 5:14 am
by Guest
I wasn't having a go at you...just DB's crackpot theories. My sparring partner is Rokcet Scientist! :lol:
Sorry, but I'm a born cynic. The only webpages anyone seems able to find are maintained by Davis-Kimball with an obvious emphasis on selling her books! In the absence of any proof from unbiased sources, I see no reason to give DB the benefit of the doubt on anything. I won't be responding to her posts any more, since even pointing out obvious flaws seems to provoke an argument.
I obviously missed the TT episode where they discovered an 'Amazon' grave; care to enlighten me?

Re: reply

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2006 5:34 am
by Rokcet Scientist
Realist wrote:Frank,
I wasn't having a go at you...just DB's crackpot theories. My sparring partner is Rokcet Scientist! :lol:
No, on this issue we're a tag team, R!
On any other issue we spar, OK?


Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2006 5:39 am
by Guest
Fair enough! 8) :lol:

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2006 11:28 am
by Tech
I was making a point about matriarchy in general not amazons , the time team episode I was reffering to had the team digging warrior horsewoman gravesites on the steppes , though it is hard to find one where they arn't digging up some roman villa.


Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2006 12:55 pm
by Guest
Fair enough. I thought it was Horizon or somebody; I remember it now.