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Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 5:14 pm
by CShark
Minimalist wrote:Hello, Cshark.

So? Which hockey team?
The Habs of course. They'll be playing your Rangers this sunday; any thoughts on the outcome ?

And to stay on topic: Digit, I agree that this is an issue for debate/ Oh, I tried your link, but could not see the relevance...

To clarify my earlier statement (no matter how you write something, someone seems to find a way to misunderstand or miscontru), when I stated that the bluestones were 'brought down' by glacial movement, it was implied that they were carried to the stonehenge site, where (according to Mr. Pitts) there are none lying around.

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 5:15 pm
by Minimalist
Nah...we suck this year.


Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 5:17 pm
by CShark
Minimalist wrote:Nah...we suck this year. you live on this site! I just hit Submit, and poof, there was your response!

Do you play ? Goaltender here.

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 5:21 pm
by Minimalist
When I was a kid in NY we'd play pickup hockey. There was no real hockey program around then.

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 5:22 pm
by Digit
Sorry Shark, wrong link, I'll try again. ... cier.shtml

I think that's got it. if you haven't realised yet computers are definitely not my strong point! :oops:

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 5:23 pm
by CShark American who likes hockey AND archeology. You, my friend, are a rare breed; obviously intelligent, well...except for that Rangers thing.

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 5:32 pm
by Digit American who likes hockey AND archeology.
Sure thing Shark, there's some damn odd Yanks out there! :twisted:

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 8:24 pm
by Minimalist
CShark American who likes hockey AND archeology. You, my friend, are a rare breed; obviously intelligent, well...except for that Rangers thing.


Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 8:26 pm
by Minimalist
BTW, Cshark...if you go to a hockey board feel free to use this next time you play your arch rivals.



Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 9:28 am
by CShark
Digit wrote:Sorry Shark, wrong link, I'll try again. ... cier.shtml

I think that's got it. if you haven't realised yet computers are definitely not my strong point! :oops:

Thanks for the link Min. Good article. Here's a snippet I just had to copy here ;)
Doug Collinge, Victoria, Canada
It seems rather easy to determine the truth of this hypothesis. If glaciers dragged the stones then there will be plenty of other stones like them in the vicinity. If people transported them then there won't, because they won't have transported any more than they needed.

We Canadians have to stick together, eh.

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 10:05 am
by Digit
Oh dear! Oh dear, oh dear!
Shark, when the idea was originally proposed there was no mention of any nice kindly glacier dumping the correct number of ready worked stones into prepared holes on Salisbury Plain! :(
The idea was that glacial action moved them from the Presceli Hills.
There is no evidence of glacial action anywhere near SP.
The British Academy states that there are suitable glacial deposits south of the R Severn, that's about 180 miles nearer for man hauling than the Prescelis. I confess here that I have not seen these deposits myself, but then, I haven't seen the Pyramids either!
To clarify one personal point here. I do not doubt for one second that the builders of SH were clever enough to move the requisite number of stones from Wales if they so had desired.
But it seems that I am now being told that they were too stupid to take advantage of a somewhat closer supply!
That sounds like thoroughly bad reasoning to me.

LOL!!! This is great stuff,

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 8:33 pm
by CShark
LOL: great pic. I don't 'do' 'hockey board, waaaay too many 'experts' and kiddies there for my liking. May as well be on 'My religion is better than your!

Thanks for the pic. I know someone who HAS to see this ! It;ll make the rounds tomorrow at coffee.


Trying to answer Digit before I pass out!

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 8:46 pm
by CShark
I know that I shoud be in bed, as my eyes are closing as I try to string even simple words together, but I would like to know something by tomorrow at my lunch hour (when I can get back here). Digit, I do not say that there were glacier movement near SP, what I was trying to get across is that some proponents of the glacier theory did not factor in the fact that wherever the glaciers were supposed to have stopped, they then left behind just enough bluestones to create the monument. I do have some info regarding just where the last age border was, but sadly I have to spend a little time digging it up before I can post regarding this

God, I just tried to re-read this mess and I can barely understand it! One last try: wherever these glaciers were supposed to have deposed the bluestones, if this is indeed how they got to SP, there should be evidence for more, simply laying in the same area. From what I gather, this is not the case; translation: there goes the glacial movement theory.

ok, enough, I'm off to bed before I post something I'll regret tomorrow.

Night all, sweet dreams


Digit wrote:Oh dear! Oh dear, oh dear!
Shark, when the idea was originally proposed there was no mention of any nice kindly glacier dumping the correct number of ready worked stones into prepared holes on Salisbury Plain! :(
The idea was that glacial action moved them from the Presceli Hills.
There is no evidence of glacial action anywhere near SP.
The British Academy states that there are suitable glacial deposits south of the R Severn, that's about 180 miles nearer for man hauling than the Prescelis. I confess here that I have not seen these deposits myself, but then, I haven't seen the Pyramids either!
To clarify one personal point here. I do not doubt for one second that the builders of SH were clever enough to move the requisite number of stones from Wales if they so had desired.
But it seems that I am now being told that they were too stupid to take advantage of a somewhat closer supply!
That sounds like thoroughly bad reasoning to me.

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 10:27 pm
by Beagle
If a glacier transported the stones (and they may have for all I know), then the flow of the glacier would have to be from the Preseli Hills to a location near Stonehenge.

So we need to know more than just where the glaciation ended. If the glacier flowed due south from Scotland it would have been unable to transport the rocks to Stonehenge.

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 3:37 am
by Ishtar
Tomorrow (Saturday 2 Feb) is Imbolc, a pagan Celtic fire festival that's existed for millennia:

That Imbolc was an important time to the ancient inhabitants of Ireland can be seen at a number of Megalithic and Neolithic sites, such as at the Loughcrew burial mounds and the Mound of the Hostages in Tara, Ireland. Here, the inner chamber of the passage tombs are perfectly aligned with the rising sun of both Imbolc and Samhain*. Similar to the phenomena seen at Newgrange, the rising Imbolc sun shines down the long passageway and illuminates the inner chamber of the tomb.

Because of the use of fire at Imbolc - bonfires and candles - the Christians took it over and called it Candlemass. In the US, I think, it's Groundhog Day.

*Samhain is around Halloween.