The Sun of the Wind

The Western Hemisphere. General term for the Americas following their discovery by Europeans, thus setting them in contradistinction to the Old World of Africa, Europe, and Asia.

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E.P. Grondine

Re: The Sun of the Wind

Post by E.P. Grondine »

Simon21 wrote:
I avoided Aztec materials in my book "Man and Impact in the Americas" for very good reasons.
I didn't know anything about them and I don't understand Spanish or Nuahtl.

I left the Romans out of my book "Ancient Europe" for the same reasons.
Well, simon, you are being entirely too modest.
There is a whole lot you do not know anything about,
not jut the Aztecs.
As is clear from your notes on Sub Roman Britain,
you do not know much about that either.

Not only do you not know Spanish or Nahautl,
you can also not understand either in English translation,
and that is where your real problem lies.
It is also clear that you can not read Latin in English translation as well,
little less Latin itself,
and that your knowledge of the archeological record is extremely limited as well.

simon, there is a reason your 12 year old daughter has dyed her hair purple and is running around wearing a Grateful Dead t-shirt.
But with any luck, the Renaissance Faire will re-open soon and you will no longer be be adding your burden to the public welfare rolls.
Also, you'll have far less time to spend here demonstrating your rather complete lack of reading comprehension.
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Re: The Sun of the Wind

Post by Simon21 »

Well, simon, you are being entirely too modest.
There is a whole lot you do not know anything about,
not jut the Aztecs.
As is clear from your notes on Sub Roman Britain,
you do not know much about that either.

Not only do you not know Spanish or Nahautl,
you can also not understand either in English translation,
and that is where your real problem lies.
It is also clear that you can not read Latin in English translation as well,
little less Latin itself,
and that your knowledge of the archeological record is extremely limited as well.

simon, there is a reason your 12 year old daughter has dyed her hair purple and is running around wearing a Grateful Dead t-shirt.
But with any luck, the Renaissance Faire will re-open soon and you will no longer be be adding your burden to the ]public welfare rolls.
Also, you'll have far less time to spend here demonstrating your rather complete lack of reading comprehension.
I know a book about man in the America that did not include the Aztecs would be ridiculous. Which is why no one reads yours.
It is also clear that you can not read Latin in English translation as well,
Absolutely true I cannot read "Latin in English" no one can. But I can read Latin and can read English you apprently can do neither

I note you have a general reputation as a fraud and an idiot - oh dear

I don't think many men introduce their daughters to you. One wonders.....

You're losing your ability to express yourself. Maybe a specialist visit is in order?
E.P. Grondine

Re: The Sun of the Wind

Post by E.P. Grondine »

good morning, simon -

Wearing that Anglo-Saxon helmet of yours
is not going to make the voices
that the aliens send to speak with you
come in any clearer.
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Re: The Sun of the Wind

Post by Simon21 »

good morning, simon -

Wearing that Anglo-Saxon helmet of yours
is not going to make the voices
that the aliens send to speak with you
come in any clearer.
I would like you to clarify you attraction to porn and your references to 12 year olds.

Hopefully this will be enough
E.P. Grondine

Re: The Sun of the Wind

Post by E.P. Grondine »

well, good morning, simon

simon wrote: I would like you to clarify you attraction to porn and your references to 12 year olds.


simon wrote: We are all mongrels old son sorry to tell you.
You possibly have some black and native American ancestors,
if that does not shock you too much.

E.P. wrote: Well, it turns out that just like bad porn,
you do have some socially redeeming value after all.

E.P. wrote: simon, there is a reason your 12 year old daughter has dyed her hair purple and is running around wearing a Grateful Dead t-shirt.

I suppose we must have some kind of pity for you, simon,
as everyday life must be a real nighmare for a person
with such a severe a reading comprehension impairment.

But then, self pity is so much better,
as most people who work with people such as yourself
get paid $180 an hour
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Re: The Sun of the Wind

Post by Simon21 »

I suppose we must have some kind of pity for you, simon,
as everyday life must be a real nighmare for a person
with such a severe a reading comprehension impairment.
Here's a tip EP, anyone who writes
reading comprehension impairment and Sun of the Wind
is using the deadside of their brain.

The sad thing is like most frauds you think writing ovewritten drivel somehow gives you credibility.

And sorry I do not feel sorry for someone who brings porn (all porn is bad, the clue is in the name) and 12 year olds into the conversation. Stilo awaiting an answer to the question.
But then, self pity is so much better, as most people who work with people such as yourself get paid $180 an hour
You see? You are trying to make an insult, but you can't even do that. Read it again. The people who work with me earn £500 an hour. Partners earn more.

The people however who help change and dress you etc wear uniforms and are lucky to make £100 a day. Certainly not work I would want too do.

Game set and match - nce again
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Re: The Sun of the Wind

Post by kbs2244 »

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Re: The Sun of the Wind

Post by Simon21 »

I agree this is not edifying but it is difficult to focus on serious subject when what appears to be semi educated con man insists on sticking his irrelevant oar in, usually to say how brilliant he thinks he is. I note he has something of a reputation.

It is time he was red carded, largely for his own sake
E.P. Grondine

Re: The Sun of the Wind

Post by E.P. Grondine »

Good morning, kb -

I am working on my Australian Rules debating skills,
while simon is busy demonstrating his basic incompetence in an entirely new (for him) hemisphere of our planet.

If this is interfering with your interest in Theosophist Cult Archaeology topics,
well, I'm real real sorry about that.
E.P. Grondine

Re: The Sun of the Wind

Post by E.P. Grondine »

good morning, simon
simon wrote: The people who work with me earn £500 an hour. Partners earn more.
My God! Juts how kinky are you, simon?
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Re: The Sun of the Wind

Post by circumspice »

@EP: You're sinking to a new record low by indulging in the sexual innuendos regarding beastiality & homosexuality. I would have thought you outgrew that after high school. If that's the only way you can answer what people say to you, you're unfit to even converse with. You should have developed a thicker skin during your stint as a hack journalist. Slinging shit like a demented chimpanzee doesn't enhance your credibility or lack thereof.
"Nothing discloses real character like the use of power. It is easy for the weak to be gentle. Most people can bear adversity. But if you wish to know what a man really is, give him power. This is the supreme test." ~ Robert G. Ingersoll

"Damn with faint praise, assent with civil leer, and, without sneering, teach the rest to sneer." ~ Alexander Pope
E.P. Grondine

Re: The Sun of the Wind

Post by E.P. Grondine »

Good morning, spice -

spice wrote: You're sinking to a new record low by indulging in the sexual innuendos regarding beastiality & homosexuality.

Thank you.
Just practicing my Australian Rules debate skills.
It was hard to get that low,
and to beat it by playing the "Nazi" card was truly a triumph.

Those skills are really really useful for dealing with shit slinging chimps.
The data is what it is.
The artifacts are what they are,
and the texts are what they are.
The really stupid analysis of those is what it is as well.
As is the shit slung by chimps.

I'm truly sorry that poor simon is still stuck in 1978,
before the development of the regional archaeologies in the UK.
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Re: The Sun of the Wind

Post by Simon21 »

My God! Juts how kinky are you, simon?

Nothing that would concern the police, but you? Being infirm and loked after by cheaply paid nurses is not excuse I am afraid, it will mitigate the sentence but these things are still crimes. Does the nurse who you say helps you type get paid extra
Thank you.
Just practicing my Australian Rules debate skills.
It was hard to get that low,
and to beat it by playing the "Nazi" card was truly a triumph.
Indeed Godwin's law I win, as I knew I would. I just wondered what bogey you would choose. I expect you will call me an evil "jew" next.
Those skills are really really useful for dealing with shit slinging chimps.
The data is what it is.
The artifacts are what they are,
and the texts are what they are.
The really stupid analysis of those is what it is as well. Such lovely English, brain breaking up here.
As is the shit slung by chimps.

And porn is what it is
and 12 year olds are what they are
and the foul language, matches the foul mind of the pervert

I'm truly sorry that poor simon is still stuck in 1978,
before the development of the regional archaeologies in the UK.
And you are very much up to date on er your obsessions, one handed reading as was cited.

But why has this friend fled? Did he even exist?

You're cracking up old fruit
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Re: The Sun of the Wind

Post by Simon21 »

circumspice wrote:@EP: You're sinking to a new record low by indulging in the sexual innuendos regarding beastiality & homosexuality. I would have thought you outgrew that after high school. If that's the only way you can answer what people say to you, you're unfit to even converse with. You should have developed a thicker skin during your stint as a hack journalist. Slinging shit like a demented chimpanzee doesn't enhance your credibility or lack thereof.
It is clear tyhat most of what this individual says about himself is either a lie or a massive exaggeration.

He obviously was no journalist since he cannot write coherently -the very words "
Sun of the Wind
are self evidently ridiculous and very funny.

Presumably he pedals the idea of the
"Wind of the Sun"
- presumably some kind of solar fart.
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Re: The Sun of the Wind

Post by shawomet »

Somebody should jump in here and lower the bar a bit lower in this thread. Seriously, this is asinine :shock:
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