No bones needed: ancient DNA in soil!!!

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No bones needed: ancient DNA in soil!!!

Post by hardaker »

A week ago this would have been OLD WORLD material. In light of the Cerutti Mastodon Site at 130k, it might well apply over here, too. From the soil, they can pick up DNA. The researchers began at Denisova Cave, then examine known Neanderthal sites in Europe, and then the suggestion is made, hey, isn't there a site over in San Diego that might have some human (Homo john doe) DNA residues -- maybe something they will do in the future? If they can discover presence through soils, we are living in a brave new world. And whoever is taking calls at their office has probably quit!

No bones needed: ancient DNA in soil can tell if humans were around ... re-around/ :D
Chris Hardaker
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Re: No bones needed: ancient DNA in soil!!!

Post by circumspice »

Not trying to be a naysayer but it seems to me that every site they found human DNA in the soil came from a protected site, such as a cave. I wonder if it's possible to find ancient DNA in open air sites? Is there any info on that?
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Re: No bones needed: ancient DNA in soil!!!

Post by hardaker »

when you read the article you will find that it is best preserved in caves in cold climates.
why do you have to cop an instant 'tude instead of spending a couple minutes reading the article?
Chris Hardaker
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Re: No bones needed: ancient DNA in soil!!!

Post by circumspice »

I did read the article. It didn't say whether or not ancient DNA can be recovered from open air sites. My question was whether there is any additional info available.
"Nothing discloses real character like the use of power. It is easy for the weak to be gentle. Most people can bear adversity. But if you wish to know what a man really is, give him power. This is the supreme test." ~ Robert G. Ingersoll

"Damn with faint praise, assent with civil leer, and, without sneering, teach the rest to sneer." ~ Alexander Pope
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