Happy New Year

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Happy New Year

Post by circumspice »

Happy New Year everyone!

For whatever it's worth... Here's hoping for ever more new & exciting archaeological discoveries, for long awaited papers on older discoveries & lastly for some semblance of 'peace on earth, good will toward men'. I'm sure the last would be much appreciated in some hot spots around the world.
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Re: Happy New Year

Post by Minimalist »

It's 2018 and a maniac is still in the White House.

Something is wrong here. War, disease, death, destruction, hunger, filth, poverty, torture, crime, corruption, and the Ice Capades. Something is definitely wrong. This is not good work. If this is the best God can do, I am not impressed.

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Post by furtick731 »

congratulation happy new year to all dear members and hope so fun for all in new year .
I found this forum in last week and I think this forum is the Best in World.
thanks a lot to All
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