Draconid Meteor Shower

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Draconid Meteor Shower

Post by circumspice »

Don't forget to watch the Draconid Meteor Shower on the 8th & 9th of this month. This year there will be some competition from the full Hunter's Moon. It's supposed to make it harder to observe the meteor shower because of the brightness of the moon at this time. If you live in an area that observes a dark night sky protocol you might get lucky. I live out in the boonies with no competing light pollution within a 50+ mile radius. Good luck!

https://earthsky.org/astronomy-essentia ... or-shower/
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Draconid Meteor Shower.

Post by Danielchubs »

Could the Draconid Meteor Shower have been witnessed by ancient civilizations, leading to the development of myths and rituals surrounding celestial events?
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