Solved: The Roman Jews of Tucson

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Re: Solved: The Roman Jews of Tucson

Post by kbs2244 »

What you are saying is true uniface .
But we are talking a whole different time frame here.

Re: Solved: The Roman Jews of Tucson

Post by uniface »


But also, irrelevant.

You've got some artifacts you're trying to place in time, with a 2,000 year spread or possibilities.

Just pointing out that 1550 on shouldn't be ruled out.
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Re: Solved: The Roman Jews of Tucson

Post by hardaker »

That is a very cool addition to the puzzle. And perhaps New World Jews would gravitate toward the trade industry after that time, with trade routes up to the North perhaps. It might explain how the Lunas Stone and several others turn up. like the one in W. Texas. The details that stick in my craw about the Tucson assemblage, though, are the square and compass symbol (both Mormon and Masonic) and the dinosaur. I think the first depiction of a dinosaur (as opposed to dragons) was in the mid-19th century. Also, I don't really know if folks have nailed down the beginning of the use of AD in calendrical dating.
Chris Hardaker
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Re: Solved: The Roman Jews of Tucson

Post by starman »


Years ago my father visited the Superstition Mountains with an archeologist friend from Harvard University. She was quite a lady. Dad was impressed with her work in Mexico. I tagged along hoping this would be a rather eventful trip. I was not disappointed.

We entered the range from Hierogllyphic Canyon, crossed Supersition Mountain and made our way to the saddle high above West Boulder Canyon. We camped there for the night. To the east was a wonderous view of Weaver`s Needle.

That night under an incredible sky my father shared with his friend the history of our people, the location of sites we would be visiting over the next few days and the history of the last days of Calalus that had been handed down from generation to generation. I will never forget his discussion of the creation of the Tucson Artifacts. They were made in the last days of the people in a small canyon, (Eldorado Canyon, Nevada) on the Colorado River. The artifacts were forged as a map home that one day might lead the descendents of Calalus back to their most holy site in the Superstitions. The relics were later dumped in a marshy area of Arizona to make room for living survivors of the holocast that befell the people. That is another history for another day.

Over the next several days we visited a number of sites and finally made our way to Horse Mesa on the Salt River. From there we entered several holy places and for days dad`s friend not only had the opportunity to study the people`s history but to also aquaint herself with the history of a more ancient people that were the reason the settlers of Calalus came to America to begin with.

I think dad was very interested in her thoughts on what she had seen and for many years she joined us and others to visit the range to protect and care for the most important historical site in the world. I too became her friend and when she passed away felt a loss that has never really been filled.

The trail we followed is the trail that is engraved on the Tucson Artifacts. The name of the holy site in the Superstitions is mentioned, many times on the artifacts but has never been recognized for what it is.

Mr. Hardaker,

I enjoyed reading your work, "The First American", not being an archaelogist most of it went over my head but I really found it fun. In terms of the Tucson Artifacts there are a number of symbols on them that has confused folks for years. That is intentional. Also there are symbols that go back to a root culture that is far older than well 10,000 years. I would keep in mind that the artifacts in Tucson both reveal and conceal. That is those artifacts contain a great deal of truth but could very well be a forgery. A very good one I might add. If they are that might suggest the real artifacts are safe with the people.

My purpose in posting was merely to open a gate. That has been accomplished.

May the Stars keep you safe.

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Re: Solved: The Roman Jews of Tucson

Post by kbs2244 »

" The details that stick in my craw about the Tucson assemblage, though, are the square and compass symbol (both Mormon and Masonic) and the dinosaur."

Good point.
Not many Jews are Masons are they?

I can belive the idea about trading though. There is copper in those hills.
And there was always a market for copper.
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Re: Solved: The Roman Jews of Tucson

Post by hardaker »

and the site is located along a road called Silverbell, which is south of a place called Silverbell Mine. so maybe there was silver as well. Wish someone in Tucson would find out where the lead came from; recent analysis suggests "pot metal" was used for some of the artifacts, which could implicate the confederates a bit more. In the end, I don't think the Tucson authorities want to know and prefer the Bent Did It scenario, even though it doesn't make sense given the facts of the discovery. Lies, wilfull ignorance and made-up stuff are easier, and it is really a professional embarrassment if the archaeologists and the historians down there if they are wrong about that. Fear of egg on the face apparently beats tendencies to honestly solve the mystery. Pitiful, scared little bunnies.
Chris Hardaker
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Re: Solved: The Roman Jews of Tucson

Post by oldarchystudent »

kbs2244 wrote:" The details that stick in my craw about the Tucson assemblage, though, are the square and compass symbol (both Mormon and Masonic) and the dinosaur."

Good point.
Not many Jews are Masons are they?

I can belive the idea about trading though. There is copper in those hills.
And there was always a market for copper.
Jews can be Masons the same as anyone else. The only thing the Masons require is that you believe in a higher power. Could be Yaweh, Allah, Tao or the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
My karma ran over my dogma.
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Re: Solved: The Roman Jews of Tucson

Post by Minimalist »

Put me down for Pastafarian.
Something is wrong here. War, disease, death, destruction, hunger, filth, poverty, torture, crime, corruption, and the Ice Capades. Something is definitely wrong. This is not good work. If this is the best God can do, I am not impressed.

-- George Carlin
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