Kameiros (Rhodos)

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To that end, Photobucket.com has a new feature called the "Bulk Uploader" which allows you to go through an entire directory and select which photos you wish to upload by thumbnail instead of having to individually select them. It makes the process infinitely faster and simpler.

(And Photobucket is a free service.)

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Kameiros (Rhodos)

Post by nicolas.fox »

I plan to upload some of my best pictures from traveling around from archaeological site to archaeological site from now on. I will be in Turkey in a few weeks visiting the old Greek sites, but I'd like to begin by sharing my latest visit.

Last May I was in Rhodes (Greece) trying to visit all of the archaeological sites over there (which is near impossible in a week, but still managed pretty well). The sites on the island that I visited include: Ancient Kameiros, "Lycean Tomb", Ancient Necropolis near Stelies (as of yet, not open to public: it's in the woods, you'll have to look for it), Ancient Vroulia, Scattered Remains and Necrolopises (Necropli?) in Rhodes Town (do your research on this before you go, they're hard to find), Acropolis of Rhodes Town, The Sanctuary of Apollo Erethimios and adjacent ancient Greek town, Ancient Ialysos, Sanctuary of Zeus Attavyros, Acropolis of Lindos and the Archokrateion closeby, and of course the rich Medieval (Knights of St. John) history.

If one of these places really interests someone, I can upload some pictures. For instance, there aren't too many good pictures of the sanctuary of Zeus to be found online. But to be fair, it looks like a lot of rubble to the untrained eye. It needs some restoration, or at least some clean up badly. But it's hard to reach (gravel road and on top of a mountain), so that probably explains. I do recommend it because you can get an idea why Greeks built their sanctuaries exactly at these places. Mt. Attavyros is not spectacularly high, but for some reason the winds up there are crazy. I've climbed some mountains and reached some tops, but that was something else. So you can experience the link between religion and nature up there.

Kameiros is by far the nicest place to visit, since it has never been built over and has a great lay out, which by standing at a top view really makes you realize how the place must have looked so long ago. So here are the pictures.

Edit: it appears my files are invalid (they're probably too big, because they're just .jpgs), so I'll link one of them through Facebook and try to reduce the ones I have in size by tomorrow. What you see in the picture I've linked is the living quarters of the city. In the middle runs the central road, follow it to the right and you enter the civic/public area; follow it to the left and you climb up to the holy sanctuaries.

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Re: Kameiros (Rhodos)

Post by Minimalist »

Alternatively, rather than killing yourself, you could just upload them to photobucket.com and post a link.

Photobucket is free and they have a bulk upload feature which makes things much easier.

We got to Rhodes in 2007. Gorgeous place but we were on a cruise and only had a day there. Still got to Lindos as well as Rhodes.
Something is wrong here. War, disease, death, destruction, hunger, filth, poverty, torture, crime, corruption, and the Ice Capades. Something is definitely wrong. This is not good work. If this is the best God can do, I am not impressed.

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Re: Kameiros (Rhodos)

Post by nicolas.fox »

It's crazy that you did Rhodes AND Lindos in just one day, Minimalist. I didn't especially enjoy Lindos, it was very crowded and the restoration work at the Acropolis was just attrocious (I mentioned it in the Kameiros album as well). There's two nice tombs you probably missed though, they're not on the Acropolis, so they're in a pretty good original shape. And yeah, Rhodes City is huge. But outside of the Acropolis, you really have to look for the Greek and Roman Remains. There's some temples, nymphea, necropolises, and so on. They have some nice mosaics lying around under a newly build appartment block (when I was there construction workers put a cement mixer on them.... :? )

So here they are: http://s982.photobucket.com/user/nicola ... y/Kameiros

If anyone wants to see any specific pictures from places mentioned above, you need but ask.
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Re: Kameiros (Rhodos)

Post by Minimalist »

Just call me Min, Nick. Everyone else does.

The tour included Ephesos and Corinth and I could have spent a week there in each, alone.
Something is wrong here. War, disease, death, destruction, hunger, filth, poverty, torture, crime, corruption, and the Ice Capades. Something is definitely wrong. This is not good work. If this is the best God can do, I am not impressed.

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Re: Kameiros (Rhodos)

Post by nicolas.fox »

I will visit Ephesos for the 2nd time at the end of September. That place is great, I hope you visited the Austrian (covered) excavations, the insulae, as well. I really need to visit Ephesos while touring Turkey by car, so I have a full day to explore the site. Can you imagine only 15% is uncovered? But so far, I've only managed to do it by tourbus which seriously limits your time.

Mainland Greece is one of my big plans in the near future, I've been visiting the Aegean islands regularly but I've been waiting for a big break so I can go tour the mainland for about a month by car and see both the big and smaller sites. I have been to Thessaloniki (near where Alexander the Great was born - Pelia), but haven't found the time to actually drive around the area neither. Thessaloniki has some nice Greek/Roman remains as well though!
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Re: Kameiros (Rhodos)

Post by Minimalist »

I've got some photos posted in this section, too.

They are way down on the list by now.
Something is wrong here. War, disease, death, destruction, hunger, filth, poverty, torture, crime, corruption, and the Ice Capades. Something is definitely wrong. This is not good work. If this is the best God can do, I am not impressed.

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Re: Kameiros (Rhodos)

Post by nicolas.fox »

I think Michelle just put them up again, I'm going to check them out tomorrow!
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